Ice Ice Hockey

Did Ice Ice Hockey just start off with a shoutout to Vanilla Ice? Did you hear it? Anyway, it's 1992, President H. W. Bush and Russian President Boris Yeltsin finally called off the Cold War. Without looking into it, I wonder if either would have thought the world would be as it sits today. 30 years later you have Russian President Vladimir Putin going ape shit all over Ukraine; Gotcha! No time for that. Now, back to the real 1992; and the release of the Mighty Ducks!

Emilio Estevez plays that lawyer jerk-type guy that gets busted for a DUI. His sentence is 500 hours community service coaching a pee-wee hockey team (usually 10-12 in age). Long story short, Estevez's character learns magical life lessons, all the while bringing a dysfunctional hockey team from Minnesota home with a hilarious championship season.

So, that's where Wizard Games brings me with Ice Ice Hockey. Not only with the movie, but doesn't the game itself remind you of that dome-style hockey game commonly found in arcades and the occasional bar? Or the first NHL games released on Sega Genesis? Everything from the graphics, background, and overall feel just scream 90's treasure.

Back to the game; which is going to top any hockey fans list. I don't have anything to complain about. This is as solid as a game can get. Turbo auto-play is a great option, along with the option to buy the bonus. 7, 10, or 15 free spins may be purchased to bypass gameplay to proceed into a bonus round. This results in a cost of 50X, 100X, or 250X of your line wager for the respective free spins purchased. I came off the bonus rounds well ahead each time I played them! Side note: Players shoot pucks onto the reels for wilds and multipliers throughout the game; it's fun, enjoy it!

So, when January comes around with sub-zero temps, settle in with Ice Ice Hockey. Maybe even stream Mighty Ducks if your bored; they have several movies and a new show. Really though, it's a fun game that doesn't try anything it shouldn't, and just leaves you with an odd type of satisfaction.