Tailgate Blitz

Tailgate Blitz by WGS Technology seems to have all the ingredients for a cult following. With that being said, I mean just like most every other machine, I'm convinced the money I'm gambling is my investment for the next player; that with 100% certainty, my money was designated to be left with this machine. Everything about this machine is a red flag for me. My bias is so strong, an NFL referee would be proud.

First off, the graphics are an immediate NO from me. The 3D graphics are at the stage where at some point in time it may have been cool; but the shoe DOESN'T FIT. The characters are downright cringe worthy. The character with the hat looks like Terry Bradshaw and Sloth from the Goonies reproduced. While the other character looks like a washed-up Bobby Hill from King of the Hill.

The sounds may as well be wiped clean from this game. The music is ambient and that of a slow day at the zoo. The characters get even better when you win with them. Their comments are sure to annoy and make you leave. Scatter bonus isn't worth winning. Auto-spin just takes over the mouse clicking; no stop loss/win or anything. This is a huge setback for me. If I have to sit back and watch this game I'm not staying long.

As I'm sitting here playing this, I'm realizing there is no bonus round! There is zero playability for me with this game. I would love to know who can swear they play this game and enjoy it. It was almost as if the fill-in type wins were mocking me. Giving back pennies on the dollar. If it weren't for the rare instance a wild showed up, I'm not sure I would ever win on this machine.